Campus Community

The Office of Trademark Licensing (TML) serves as the clearinghouse for the use of Princeton University trademarks/logos in the creation of consumer products, including promotional items. TML also serves as the contact point for department trademark registration requests and inquiries.

General Guidelines
Campus departments and student organizations should use only authorized licensed vendors when sourcing products that feature any Princeton trademarks.

Please see list of of Current Products by Approved Licensee.

Licensed vendors are required to submit product designs to TML for review and approval prior to the manufacture and distribution of products. TML communicates with licensees and campus departments as needed to ensure that product design concepts meet Princeton University’s graphic identity guidelines.

Use of Princeton University’s trademarks must be consistent with the Guide to Princeton University’s Graphic Identity or the Athletics/Spirit Identity Style Guide. Consistent use is important for the legal protection of the marks and to promote a consistent brand message. 

Click here for detailed information on the Princeton University Graphic Identity systems.

Purchasing/Producing Goods for Internal Use
Internal Use means “use for or by Princeton, its departments, offices, colleges, business units, academic units, student clubs or authorized student groups or organizations.” Merchandise purchased/produced for these groups, imprinted with Princeton’s name, logos and marks, may be exempt from paying royalties if the items:

  • will be given away (without charge)
  • are for sale and are sold directly (not via a retailer) with all proceeds benefiting the University or authorized non-profit student groups.

To become eligible for the royalty exemption, contact the Associate Director of Trademark Licensing and state how the item will be used and the name of the company producing the item. If the company you have chosen is not licensed, Trademark Licensing (TML) will recommend a licensed company or may license the company of your choice on a special, limited-term basis. 

TML maintains a list of items prohibited from being produced with Princeton University’s trademarks. For a full listing of excluded items please click here.
